This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Quickstart Tutorial: Glossary

Key Points

UChicago Analysis Facility
  • Having an Analysis Facility located in the US is a great oportunity to simplify and accelerate the delivery of HEP results.

  • Check the documentation sources and the different contact informations for help, user support, feedback, news, etc!

  • Several shared analysis, software & computing resources resources are available, please use them and provide feedback

Account Request & Login via SSH
  • Look out! paste only the content of your SSH public key!, and never share the content of your SSH private key!

Atlas environment
  • You only have to call the lines on your file once per session

  • Explore the menu after setting up the ATLAS environment, is it as we were on lxplus?!

  • Work decomposition: prepare, create, submit, manage and examine the job

Coffea Casa
  • Remember to visit the above additional resources for python, Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterLab if you need to learn more about with how they work or in case of any doubt.

  • Check JupyterLab documentation

Good practices
  • Make a good use of the resources at the analysis facility is important to keep it working properly
