This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

UChicago Analysis Facility


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Why having an Analysis Facility at US-ATLAS?

  • Understanding: US-ATLAS Shared Tier-3 Analysis Facility at UChicago

  • Provide contact information and documentation sources

US ATLAS has three shared Tier 3 analysis facilities providing software & computing resources, one of the most recent is located at The University of Chicago and was pre-launched in October 2021.

Funded by NSF (Natural Science Foundation) and co-located with MWT2-UC

image info

Broad range of activities carried out & supported at the facilities, including:

Software & Computing Resources

  • Resources that fill gaps between grid jobs and interactive analysis on local computers
  • ssh access and HTCondor batch
  • Simple Jupyter notebook scheduling to CPU and GPU
  • Coffea-Casa, ServiceX (IRIS-HEP tools for columnar analysis)
  • Interactive access: interactive nodes, containers, node flavors
  • Processing interfaces: HTCondor access, shared endpoint.
  • ~1000 cores co-located and close integration with MWT2. ~1 petabyte of storage
  • Users start with: 5TB $DATA, 100GB $HOME, 1500 shared CPU cores, shared GPUs.

image info

Contact info

Key Points

  • Having an Analysis Facility located in the US is a great oportunity to simplify and accelerate the delivery of HEP results.

  • Check the documentation sources and the different contact informations for help, user support, feedback, news, etc!

  • Several shared analysis, software & computing resources resources are available, please use them and provide feedback