UChicago Analysis Facility
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Why having an Analysis Facility at US-ATLAS?
Understanding: US-ATLAS Shared Tier-3 Analysis Facility at UChicago
Provide contact information and documentation sources
US ATLAS has three shared Tier 3 analysis facilities providing software & computing resources, one of the most recent is located at The University of Chicago and was pre-launched in October 2021.
- Large login nodes for develpment & batch pools or larger-scale processing
- Storage for local datasets & XCache for remote datasets
- Access to ATLAS & analysis software and tools
Broad range of activities carried out & supported at the facilities, including:
- Event generation, detector simulation with ATLAS or standalone software
- Data movement (via R2D2) and access (using Xcache)
- Data processing for analysis & statistics using ATLAS software in CVMFS
- Graphical applications for example via X-windows
- Software development, testing code before submitting to batch system or Panda
- Supported for Run 3 but also allow for R&D for the future
Software & Computing Resources
- Resources that fill gaps between grid jobs and interactive analysis on local computers
- ssh access and HTCondor batch
- Simple Jupyter notebook scheduling to CPU and GPU
- Coffea-Casa, ServiceX (IRIS-HEP tools for columnar analysis)
- Interactive access: interactive nodes, containers, node flavors
- Processing interfaces: HTCondor access, shared endpoint.
- ~1000 cores co-located and close integration with MWT2. ~1 petabyte of storage
- Users start with: 5TB $DATA, 100GB $HOME, 1500 shared CPU cores, shared GPUs.
Contact info
Join our US-ATLAS Discourse Forum for help, questions, comments, user support, newsletter and more!.
Check the public documentation for US-ATLAS Analysis Facilities
Besides the user support platforms for questions and comments, you can send an email to mduranosuna@niu.edu
Key Points
Having an Analysis Facility located in the US is a great oportunity to simplify and accelerate the delivery of HEP results.
Check the documentation sources and the different contact informations for help, user support, feedback, news, etc!
Several shared analysis, software & computing resources resources are available, please use them and provide feedback