This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Good practices


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can we make the best use of the resources at the Analysis Facility

  • To always consider the good practices, specially when working remotely

Resource Limitations on a running a job: and HTCondor may configure the system to prevent using all the resources on a machine.

Jobs may see

  • A private (non-shared) /tmp and /var/tmp directory

  • A private (non-shared) /dev/shm

  • A limit on the amount of memory they can allocate, above which the job may be placed on hold or evicted by the system.

  • A limit on the amount of CPU cores the may use, above which the job may be blocked, and will run very slowly


Since applications are time limited, please remember to request only the resources that you need.

Acceptable Use policy

Key Points

  • Make a good use of the resources at the analysis facility is important to keep it working properly