This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Coffea Casa


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is Coffea Casa?

  • Learn the prerequisites for using Coffea Casa

About Coffea Casa

Coffea-Casa - Is a Prototype of an Analysis Facility for Columnar Object Framework For Effective Analy (Coffea). Provides services for “low latency columnar analysis” based on Dask and Jupyter. It lowes time for analysis providing a user-friendly computational environment that simplifies and accelerates the delivery of HEP results.

Deployed via Fluxcd

Docker images served from OSG Harbor

User authentication via Indico IAM for Atlas

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Documentation sources


access point to the Coffea-Casa Analysis Facility at UChicago

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Atlas AuthZ authentication

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Cluster resources

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Open a new console or file

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Using git

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Coffea-Casa ServiceX

About ServiceX

ServiceX, a component of the IRIS-HEP Intelligent Data Delivery Service, is an experiment-agnostic service to enable on-demand columnar data delivery tailored for interactive, array-based Pythonic analyses. It provides an interface to data storage services and frontend for users to enable columnar transformations.

Columnar data delivery

ServiceX seeks to enable on-demand data delivery of columnar data in a variety of formats for physics analyses. It provides a uniform backend to data storage services, ensuring the user doesn’t have to know how or where the data is stored, and is capable of on-the-fly data transformations into a variety of formats (ROOT files, Arrow arrays, Parquet files, …) The service offers preprocessing functionality via an analysis description language called func-adl that allows users to filter events, request columns, and even compute new variables. This enables the user to start from any format and extract only the data needed for an analysis.


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To use them one has to register and get approved. Sign in will lead you to a Globus registration page, where you may choose to use the account connected to your institution. image info

Once approved, you will be able to see the status of your requests in a dashboard. image info

For your code to be able to authenticate your requests, you need to download a servicex.yaml fie, that shout be placed in your working directory. The file is downloaded from your profile page: image info

Check this examples!! ( please (ꈍ◡ꈍ ) )

Key Points

  • Remember to visit the above additional resources for python, Jupyter Notebooks and JupyterLab if you need to learn more about with how they work or in case of any doubt.